

Academic conferences - opportunity for cooperation

In the last few years we have been invited to present our field based academic research and operative workshops in different academic conferences around the world. Here are a few examples of the conferences we attended and presented our research and program:


1.  Oxford Education Research Symposium, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK, December, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zzUJPgPr0A.   

 2. EERA - European Educational Research Association, Bolzano, Italy, September, 2018

 3. Cambrige - LICE – London International Conference of Education, Cambridge University, UK, December, 2018

4. Oxford University - Real World Engagement: Knowledge Exchange and Research Beyond the University, Oxford University, School of Education Annual Research Conference, June, 2019

5. IISES – International Academic Conference for Economy and Education. Paris, September, 2019

6. Bar-Ilan University & MOFET Research Institution, May, 2020. Simulation Research Forum for Researchers and Leaders of Simulation Centers in Academic Institutions in Israel.
Key note speaker, presenting the research: Davidoff, Y., & Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. (2019). Team-based simulations among teacher trainees: Ethical dilemmas and psychological empowerment in cases of school bullying. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE), Volume 8, Issue 2. Dio: https://bit.ly/2yxsTi1

 7. Innovation and Growth During Uncertain Times: Simulations in Education and the Covid-19 Crisis.An International Online Symposium. State of Israel, Ministry of Education, The Mofet Research Institution: Yifat Davidoff, Yehuda Baruch, Eric Pool, & Jeremy Frei, Compathy Organization, UK/ISRAEL:"Online Team-Based Simulations (OTBS) for Virtual Real-World Engagement Skills in Engineering, Business Management and Entrepreneurship: Interdisciplinary Research". . Dio: https://view.genial.ly/60c5bbbeefc8ff0fec536d6b