Teaching students and professionals real world engagement skills using simulation.

A Research Collaboration

Studying the Impact of Simulations in LEARNING

The Compathy Method is an international collaboration of academics spanning the UK, USA, Israel and Canada.  We focus on studying structured simulation (Role-Play) as a tool in education.


What are Group Simulations?

Simulation (Role-play) is a model of reality, combining the mind and the whole body.

Atance & Hanson, 2011; Bar, 2011; Davidoff, 2016; Gaikhorst et al., 2014;
Kyoo Joo & Jo, 2017; Shapira-Lishchinsky, 2013

The only source of real knoweledge is experience.
— Albert Einstein, 1940

The Essence

Operating in stressful real-time environments makes demands on different parts of the brain. For any Project manager/Entrepreneur/Educator, the ability to make smart decisions in the heat of the moment is driven mainly by practice and prior exposure. The Compathy Method draws upon this analogy, placing course participants in 'real life' situations to prepare them for the moments when it counts in their professional careers.


The Impact


Based on the research findings of Dr Davidoff Yifat (2016), the methodology provides a controlled environment for members of working teams to advance their psychological empowerment, communication and productivity through experiential learning.